• We Offer Free Delivery on all our products within India
  • Most of the orders will be shipped in 2-3 working days. Once shipped it may take up to 3-7 working days for delivery.
  • For some unique products, the shipping time may take up to 21 days
  • Please look for shipping info on the product page for individual shipping times.
  • Please note: The colour of the images on the website can slightly vary due to the product shoots done under professional lighting.
  • Because some of the products are handmade, the product might have a variation from the image displayed on the website.
  • Delivery of all orders will be done to the address as mentioned by you at the time of placing the order. In case of modifications, please send us a mail at connect@indyvarna.in within 4 hours of placing the order.
  • Once the order is shipped, we’ll send tracking details to your given contact details.